OpenMirai Legal and Company Information

At OpenMirai, we value clarity and accessibility when presenting our legal policies and company guidelines. This dedicated section offers detailed insights into how we manage and operate various aspects of our business and user interactions.

What to Expect

In this section, you’ll find information structured under two main categories: Legal and Company. Each category is carefully crafted to guide you through the key aspects of our operations and user engagement policies.

We encourage our users and partners to thoroughly explore these sections to fully understand our operational ethos and standards we uphold at OpenMirai.

Guides - Legal


Learn about our process for handling legal claims.

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Understand our privacy policies and data protection measures.

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Read the terms and conditions of using our services.

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Guides - Company

Trust and Safety

Discover our commitment to a safe and secure user environment.

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Brand Guidelines

Guidelines for the correct usage of our brand materials.

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Information on how we handle and protect intellectual property.

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Community Guidelines

Standards for behavior within our user community.

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Content Guidelines

Policies governing the quality and appropriateness of shared content.

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Instructor Guidelines

Guidance for instructors on content and engagement.

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Student Guidelines

Conduct and participation expectations for students.

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